OUD E TAHQEEQ follows the double blind peer review policy. Under this policy, we remove the name of the author(s) before sending an article to the reviewers. Likewise, the name of the reviewer is never revealed before the author(s) or any other in any case. We have very dynamic and well-read scholars, This is clearly stated that the responsibility of the contents, citations and the opinions expressed in the articles of OUD E TAHQEEQ is exclusively of the author(s) concerned. The opinions/ views/ analysis/ results presented in the research papers/articles of this journal do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher/editor(s). The publisher/editorial board of the journal is not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of information contained in the published paper(s).

Policy for the Reviewer

Review process allows author(s) improve their manuscript through editorial communications. Scholars/ Reviewers accepting to review a research paper have an ethical responsibility to complete this assignment professionally. The quality, credibility and reputation of a journal also depend on the peer review process. The peer review process depends on the trust, and demands that a reviewer is supposed to fulfil ethically.

The reviewers should

Immediately inform the editor if they do not have the subject expertise required to carry out the review.
Be responsible to act punctually and submit review report on time. They should immediately inform the editor of any possible delays.
The data included in the research paper is confidential and the reviewer is not allowed to use if for his/her personal study or any other academic or professional purpose.
Reviewers would consider the research paper as a confidential document. They must not discuss its content on any platform except in cases where professional advice is being sought with the authorization of the editor. They are bound not to disclose the details of any research paper prior to its publication without the prior approval of the editor.
A reviewer must declare any conflicting interests (e.g. personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious). She/he should declare if the research paper under review is the same as to his/her presently conducted study.
A reviewer should be honest enough to declare if she/he is biased at any level towards the manuscript submitted.
The reviewer may justifiably criticize a manuscript but it would be inappropriate to resort to personal criticism on the author(s). He/she is supposed to objectively carry out the review with a consideration of high academic, scholarly and scientific standards.
Reviewer should brought into the editor's notice, before writing the evaluation report, if the research paper is based on any previous research study or is replica of an earlier work, or the work is plagiarized. Moreover if the reviewer suspects the given results to be untrue/unrealistic/fake, or there has been an indication of violating ethical norms in the treatment of human beings (e.g.Children, female, poor people, disabled, elderly, etc.), all these points should also be identified to the editor.
For writing an evaluation report, reviewers are sent prescribed form(s) from the editor and they are supposed to share their comments on that form.
The editor will surely consider reviewer's comments and may send the paper to someone else for another opinion or send it back to the author(s) for revision before making the any decision. But it is very clear that the final decision about publishing a research paper (either accept or reject) will solely rest with the editor. A reviewer cannot challenge the decision of the editor at any forum

Policy for the Editor(s)

Editor is wholly responsible to establish/maintain the quality of the journal.
He /She has full authority to accept or reject any research paper keeping in view the publishing policy of the Journal or the standard of the topic/ references/ material/ presentation/ language of the submitted paper and professional demands as well.
Editor ensures the process of blind peer review of every paper.
Editor ensures the Plagiarism Check of every paper and strictly follows the HEC Plagiarism Policy regarding this matter.
Editor is bound to follow the journal's policy without any institutional pressure.
Editor would provide corrigendum for any correction, clarification and apologies when required.
Editor may appoint Members of Editorial Board/ Advisory Board and change them anytime.
Editor ensures smooth functioning of the journal and conducting the editorial board meeting on regular basis.
Editor would disregard the discriminating factors, e .g. gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, cultural sentiments, political affiliation, seniority and/or institutional association of the author(s) while selecting articles for publication.
Editor would try to promptly respond to the author (s) of the papers submitted for publishing, for any query.
Editor will not edit any submitted paper which would have any conflict of interest. He/ She is responsible to ask the reviewers/evaluators also for disclosing any conflict of interest regarding the submitted research paper to ensure the impartiality.
Editor ensures the confidentiality of the content of manuscript prior to publishing at his and reviewer's end.

Policy for the Author(s)

An author(principal) is a person who has significantly authored the research paper. One who has contributed at some extent or helped out the author in write up should not be the author.
Someone who has contributed particularly in any design, analysis etc. he/she can be credited as co-author.
Author would be fully responsible for the presented study.
It is the author(s)' responsibility to ensure that the research paper and data contain adequate detail and references to the sources of information in order to allow others to reproduce the results. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Author(s) is required to provide an undertaking stating that the submitted manuscript contains solely his original work and no material has been copied without reference from anywhere. If someone co-authors the paper then his contribution should be explicitly stated in that undertaking.
Article once submitted by the author to OUD E TAHQEEQ will not be submitted to any other journal till the time he would have been conveyed about rejection from our side. Concurrent submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
If any question arises about the accuracy or validity of the research work during the review process, the author(s) should provide raw data to the Editor.
The author(s) should disclose any conflict of interest at the earliest possible stage keeping in view the editorial and advisory board, employment, consultancies, honoraria, patent applications/registrations, grants or other funding.
Authors are supposed to allow the journal while submitting the paper to reserve the right to circulate the article.
Authors are supposed to bind with journal's policy when submitting a paper to OUD E TAHQEEQ.
The review process can last between 1-2 months or longer and during this period the author(s) reserve the right to contact the Editor to ask about status of the review. In the case of rejection, the author(s) reserves the right to publish the article elsewhere. In case of revisions, the author(s) must provide an exposition of all corrections made in the manuscript. In case of dissatisfaction over the decision of rejection, the author can appeal the decision by contacting the Editor.


Copyright © …......year..... by Editor OUD E TAHQEEQ All rights reserved. No part of the publications of OUD E TAHQEEQ may be copied, reproduced, published, sold, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Editor: OUD E TAHQEEQ, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, research papers and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law without giving reference. However, author(s) of the relevant publications have rights to archive and distribute their articles for academic or research purposes after publishing (online/ print) of the relevant issue(s). Author(s) will be supposed to permit the publisher to apply a DOI to their articles and to archive them in databases and index them in any indexing agency, as the publishing process completes. For permission requests, write to the editor at the address given below:

Author Fee

No fee or charges are required for manuscripts processing and/or publishing materials in the journal for now. But charges can be charged next time according to university policy.

Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

By submitting manuscript to the Journal of OUD E TAHQEEQ, it is understood that it is an original manuscript, unpublished work and is not submitted elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. Plagiarism appears in various forms such as copying the same content from the other source; most commonly from internet, coping elements of another author’s paper such as figures, tables or illustrations that con not be considered as common knowledge.
Self-plagiarism is also not allowed. OUD E TAHQEEQ defines self-plagiarism as the intentional or unintentional reuse of one’s own copyrighted work without citing the original source. However, this policy does not apply to the manuscripts presented/appeared in any conference proceeding from the author's side and an explicit reference is made.
Plagiarism Check:
Firstly, OUD E TAHQEEQ checks plagiarism manually by the team OUD E TAHQEEQ. If plagiarism is detected by the editorial/advisory board member, reviewer etc., at any stage of article process- before or after acceptance, during editing or at a proof reading stage, we will inform the same to the author(s) and will ask them to reconsider the content or to cite the references from where the content has been taken.
If the similarity with different sources is more than 19% but less than 25%, we prefer to send back the Manuscript to the author and ask him to resubmit the paper after fixing that problem. But, if more than 25% of the paper is plagiarized, the article may be rejected and the same is notified to the author.

Plagiarism detected after publishing:

If the plagiarism is detected manually and reported with proof after publishing, Journal of OUD TAHQEEQ will conduct an investigation
In case if plagiarism is found, the paper may be formally retracted. Editor will write to the author’s institute and funding agencies about that and the paper containing the plagiarism will be marked "Plagiarism Detected after Publishing" on each page of the PDF Copy for a period of two months. Moreover, after two months, that paper will be removed from the website and author(s) will be banned for next six (6) issues of Oud e Tahqeeq (Urdu).

Plagiarism Undertaking:

Authors must declare that their work is original at the time of submission. For this, an undertaking form has been given in the link , stating that author has not plagiarized any material and if found guilty he shall be solely responsible and OUD E TAHQEEQ reserve the right to take action against him. Author(s) are required to submit that form duly signed and stamped at the time of manuscript submission. In case if a paper has multiple authors, first/ principal author would be bound to take the responsibility of the plagiarism and only he would be required to submit the said undertaking.

Publication ethics

OUD E TAHQEEQ is published bi-annually. Its first issue comes in June and second in December.
Ten (10) research papers are published in one issue. This obligation has been adopted as per HEC Pakistan guidelines for research journals.
Authors are not allowed to submit their research paper to any other journal if once submitted to OUD E TAHQEEQ till the time he receives any rejection.
Papers of the new authors are preferred for the new issue. However, if any paper has been marked as extraordinary work or very notable by the reviewer, that can be considered even if the paper of same author was published in last issue.
Papers appear at home page of the Journal of OUD E TAHQEEQ under editor's choice will be selected after the considerations and comments of the reviewers and may be supposed remarkable.
Papers, not written/ composed as per the guidelines for authors given at OUD E TAHQEEQ website, will not be entertained for further process.

Publishing Schedule

The Researh journal “Oud e tahqeeq” will published bi-annually.


The journal and individual articles will be available to readers in PDF format and there will be no fee of per view.


There will an electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content on website

Revenue Sources

Business models or revenue sources (e.g. author fees, subscriptions, advertising, reprints, institutional support and organizational support) will be clearly stated or otherwise evident on the journal’s website and in policy document. Publishing fees of waiver status will not influence editorial decision making.


Journal has no advertising policy for now. But in future, if it turned as part of policy then types of adverts will be stated. Advertisement will not be related in any way to editorial decision making and be kept separate from the published content

Direct Marketing

If any direct marketing activities will be required including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on the behalf of the journal will be appropriate, well targeted and unobtrusive. Information provided to the publisher or journal will assured to be truthful and not be misleading to the readers and authors.

Submission guidelines

The journal website will be having clearly mentioned submission guidelines for authors.

Criteria for Accreditation of Research Journal

The Oud e Tahqeeq journal (Urdu) is on initial stage, so we cannot define any criteria for accreditation of Research journal and soon will be shared once got approved by HEC.